The payment methods have a lot of parameters. So that you are not perplexed, here is the simplest way to map the payment method with your order in Netsuite. Here’s a quick rundown of each of these steps:
Select ‘Map NetSuite Field to Fixed Value Based on WC Field Value’ in ‘Operation’.
Since payment goes with the order, you need to select ‘Order Field’ in ‘WC Field Source’.
The payment method will be mapped to order based on a condition that will be decided in the third step. for example Where payment_method is cod.
The payment method is a Default NetSuite Field so you need to select that in the ‘Attribute Type’.
Select the name of the field in ‘NS Field’.
At last, enter the field value for paymentMethod(RecordRef) from your NetSuite. Note* – This needs to be selected record’s internal ID from NetSuite. For example, if you need to set up your subsidiary, navigate to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries